Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I just read a few articles about bottled water vs. tap water and it's got me thinking. Basically, bottled water, no matter what form or shape it's in, is bad for the environment. There are a few benefits to bottled water, although there are a lot of misconceptions about it. Pretty much, tap water typically isn't bad for you. It might have an aftertaste, but it won't harm you.

Here's a good link if you want to read into it further: The Bottled Water Controversy

Herein lies my dilemma. I live in Riverside, CA and San Diego, Ca, two places with some of the worst tap water in America(true shit, look it up). I used to love drinking water from the tap when I was younger, but as I got introduced to more and more different tasting waters, I grew to love some more than others, and pushed tap water to the side. I've found myself drinking Arrowhead water religiously, at times drinking up to 8 bottles a day.

Is this hurting the environment? It'd be a lie to deny that. Am I going to change? It'd be a lie to say yes. I refuse to drink this nasty ass tap water coming out of my nasty ass faucet. But would I deny tap water from a restaurant? Definitely not, that shit is nearly always clean, as long as they restaurant keeps up with food regulations and whatnot.

So here I am. I'm an ignorant rebel who is hurting the environment. I don't know what to feel about this. hahaha

Btw, Arrowhead is spring water(read: good water) and Dasani is just purified tap water. Shots intended.

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