Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love this dude. I'm not too much in the know as far as pop culture goes, but this dude gives a really entertaining view on things. Naturally, I don't agree with the dude on everything, but he's entertaining as hell haha

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've Got To Be Unstoppable

I'm young, energetic, and in relatively good health. So why not make mistakes? Why not fuck up? I'm mature enough to know when my decisions might be too risky, so why not make a bunch of minor mistakes? What better way to learn? What better way to live?

A friend gave me a good analogy to describe this idea. Someone can tell you that putting out a candle with your bare hand will burn you. Knowing that, you might never run your hand near an open flame. However, if you never dare to touch the fire, you'll never be able to describe how it feels to be burned. Quite frankly, I'd say "fuck it", dive right in, and burn myself.

Would It Bring Us Any Closer/Take The Weight Off Of Our Shoulders?

"Can we afford/To be that open/With all of these emotions"

As a general rule, I try to be as brutally honest as I can, especially with my emotions. I've failed multiple times, but lately I've been making strides towards achieving my goal of complete honesty when it comes to my emotions. Honesty both with others and with myself.

You Make My Dreams Come True

I want to be a film composer. I want to have that power! I want to be the dude who can be like, "Yo, we need to play blah blah blah right here, right when the guy and girl realize they like each other. We need to play blah blah blah when they realize they might not be good for each other. We should probably play blah blah blah when they realize the trouble is worth the effort." I got some good songs in mind hahahaha

You Better Hold This Very Moment Very Close To You

I remember seeing this commercial for the first time when I was young! Such memories! Btw, Eddie Jones and Michael Finley? Definitely early 2000's hahaha

Cuz In The Daylight Anywhere Feels Like Home

COSIGN! I love girls in sundresses. But they still have nothing on women's fashion in winter.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Is My Journal, This Is My Therapy

When I finally get to see this dude live, and he does Exhibit C, there's a 110% chance I'm gunna spaz out.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Can See You In Your Wedding Dress

!!! Love this video

Or You Can Do It All The Time


Shout out to Nikki Estanol for showing me this

Dear Moleskine

I need to find an artistic outlet.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Republicans Buy Sneakers Too

I was unfortunate enough to have not been old enough to vote when the presidential election was being held in 2008. Now that I am old enough to vote, however, I'm not too sure how I feel about it.

I'm not too much in the know as far as politics go. If I were to vote, I wouldn't want to go into it blindly, so I would probably do some last minute research. I'm talking a 1-2 hour search on candidates and what they stand for. Then I'd go and vote for whatever policies I agree with.

This leads me to wonder if I really should be voting. I wouldn't be very much educated on the matters I would be voting for. Philosophically speaking, I more or less follow Kantianism. This being so, I ask myself questions like "if everyone voted like me, would the world be a better place?"

I'm not too sure it would be. I think I might have to do my part and look much more into politics than I currently do.

So Don't Think I'm Pushing You Away/When You're The One I've Kept Closest

It's that wake up before sunrise and make coffee music. Or the music you listen to after a rough day. Either way, I love this album.

On another note, after winning the Mercury Prize earlier this month, The xx have no plans to put out a second album. I love this move by them. I fully expect a second album by them, but by saying they aren't going to rush it, they're saying that they're going all "quality>quantity," an ideal that I fully endorse. A lot of my favorite artists follow the same philosophy(read: Jay Electronica.) So do you, The xx, do you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today Was A Good Day

Ice Cube On Kobe's Image Reinvention:

What we all gotta realize is, when we see these young stars or these young entertainers or athletes, you usually see someone that's going from a boy to a man. If anybody really thinks about what they've done to go from a boy to a man and all the mistakes they've made, and if they was under that spotlight, they wouldn't be so critical of a person like Kobe. For what you really want him for, to me, he's the ultimate. You want him on the court. All you should care about is what he does in between the lines when it comes to being a Laker fan.

But if you really want to get into the man's life, all the way in there, of course you're not gonna like everything he does. You know what I mean? Of course you're not gonna like everything he says. Of course you're not gonna like every opinion he has. But if somebody makes a mistake or two and you go for the venom or go for the throat at the first mistake, you never really had love and respect for this person, anyway. You don't give them the room to be human. You don't give them the leeway to be human. He's a great basketball player, but he was speeding down the highway. He's irresponsible and he's this, and that, and the names. And people pile on."

Co-signed! I'm telling you, the only way to understand someone is to love them. It's hard to understand someone if you can't empathize with them.

Via Land O'Lakers

Hi. My Name Is Russell.




Spotted at Not Suitable For 56K.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Can Speak To You So Honestly I Can't Even Run Any Game

With the change in season comes a change in playlists.

Amel Larrieux>>>>>>>>>

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh Baby You, You Got What I Need

I'm going to start going to these damn music festivals. Fuck any and all excuses hahahaha

There Is No Time To Behave, Let's Both Get Carried Away

One of my new favorite bands. Big ups to mi hermana for putting me on to them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


In case you weren't aware, the dogs>cats rule still applies.

Spotted at

I Know The City Gettin Ready For Me

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery — celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from — it’s where you take them to.”

-Jim Jarmusch

I Live For The Nights That I Can't Remember, With The People That I Won't Forget

I firmly believe in efficiently squeezing in as many meaningful experiences as you can into your day.

However, when your body tells you to slow your roll, you need to listen.

Good Friday

These songs that Kanye's leaking every friday via his Twitter are pretty damn good.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010


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