Monday, July 9, 2012

You Seemed Impressed By The Way You Came In

It's rare that a person possesses enough patience and confidence to allow someone else to be the alpha male/female in a conversation. A lot of people I know try really hard to become the leader of the conversation, but far fewer allow someone else to guide the discussion. More people yell and interrupt their way into the driver's seat. Most of the time this comes from a place of excitement and genuine interest in the conversation, which is great; however, it isn't always what's best for the sake of the conversation

And while we're talking about patience, it really bugs me when passengers are impatient. If the driver misses a turn, so many people start acting like the driver killed their dog or something. "NO TURN RIGHT YOU MISSED THE TURN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TURN RIGHT BACK THERE!"

It's not that big of a deal. He/she missed the turn. And that's okay. All they have to do is find make a quick detour and you guys will be back on your merry way. That solution is much better/safer than them being a dick and forcing their way back into traffic just to save a minute or two

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