Saturday, March 6, 2010

We're Just Having One of Those Conversations About Next Year

My Mom and I consistently have great conversations. The topic of interest changes a lot. We've previously discussed what it takes to be a great friend, parent, son, daughter, Catholic, student, teacher, employee, and employer. We've also discussed some pretty deep topics like how life is so fragile that I need to take steps to make sure that I spend each day well, so that it was worth living.

Lately, the topic of interest has been money. She's been giving me little bits of advice(although it's sometimes sprinkled with scorn and disdain about my lack of frugality lol) that always seems to hit home really well. It's such great advice that even after our talks, the thoughts will resonate in my mind and hit twice as hard as when we were having the discussion. Everything solidifies for me when I reflect on these discussions.

The things we talk about don't always affect me directly. But I know that what we talk about in these discussions trickles down to decisions that I make everyday. Those decisions are consistently good decisions and I have to thank mi madre for that. Only thing is, I can't imagine any way to fully repay all that she's done for me.

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