Monday, March 29, 2010


Cool music video. Off of a greatttttttt album as well

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time Flies

I strive to help as many people as I can, through gestures both big and little. No matter how much or how little effort on my part is required, I try to help others, especially if it comes at little cost to me. It pains me deeply that I can't help some people. After watching the movie "Precious," I realized that there is a countless amount of people that I can give true help to. I can give them a smile or do something to brighten their day, but I really wish I could help some people to make their lives better.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Teardrops On My Acoustic Guitar

I was hanging out with one of my friends when he noted that I have times when I'm cocky, and it definitely isn't a good look for me. It was really bad because although I acknowledge that I have times where I'm arrogant, I was oblivious to some of the moments that he pointed out. I definitely need to work on this.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fall For Your Type

can i
can i
save you from you
cuz you know theres something missin
and that champagne you been sippin
s'not supposed to make you different all the time
its starting to feel
like the wrong thing to do
cuz with all that recognition
it gets hard for you to listen
to the things that imma say to make you mine
but live girl, have some fun girl
we'll be fine
trying to convince myself I found one
making the mistake i never learned from
i swear i always fall for for your type
for your type
tell me why i
for your type
for your type
i just cant explain this shit at all
i just cant explain this shit at all
i just cant explain this shit at all
i just cant explain this shit at all
i believe in people like you

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wish me luck, thank me later, Fuck you.

If it were raining and I had an umbrella, I would definitely offer to share it with a friend, even if it were just me and a guy friend. However, if the roles were reversed, and my guy friend were to offer me shelter under his umbrella, I would graciously deny their kind gesture. I guess I would do that partially because I don't mind rain, but I'm sure a big part of it is stupid machismo; feeling that I'm too manly to share an umbrella with another man. It's inconsistencies like these that bother me deeply.

I'm Too Afraid to Learn Anything From You

Finals week brings out the deepest, darkest, ugliest side of me. My eyes are baggy, im hungry even though ive been binge eating for the past few nights, and my head feels like its full of helium. hahahaha

Monday, March 15, 2010

From AM to PM

One way to turn negative energy directed towards you is to direct that energy inwards. Maybe that negative energy has something to it, something you may not notice. Direct all of it inwards and look for ways to improve yourself.

Cross My Heart and Hope to Die, cross your t's and dot your i's (Part Deux)

A good way to get through a bad mood is to list all of the things you like about yourself.

Am I Cocky or Do I Simply Know My Self Worth?

People are often unaware of their flaws. This is why you should forgive them when you see them messing up or doing something you don't approve of. You can either help them realize their mistakes or allow them to continue their ways.

Response Ability

You know how time travel might be possible if you can go faster than the speed of light? So if you're moving, then you're experiencing time differently than if you're stationary?

I wonder if listening to music in a car while driving is such a great experience because you're experiencing time differently as a result of the you and the car moving, while knowing that the song is a constant measure of time, at least on earth's measurement of time?

If You're Avoiding the Cliche

Music is frustrating! Creating something out of nothing is difficult. You need to be able to solve a puzzle, which requires problem solving skills. Whats cool is that there's many different ways to solve the "puzzle/problem," and really, there's no true right answer.

Thank Me Later

The album is about finding love, feeling ‘Have I sold my soul’ as far as ‘Will I ever be able to gain the trust of a woman? Will I only be able to be around the dark, evil women? Will I ever find that pure love?’

You are speaking directly to me.

War Part Tres

War and violence are similar to yelling in an argument in that they might get you what you want in the end, but they don't directly address the issue at hand.


I have a final tomorrow morning at 8, and a journal due at noon, so here I am, in typical me fashion, not studying or doing anything productive at all. So I've decided to go on a liberation spree and post all these drafts I have piled up on this blog.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Main Man

Clean car, windows down, sunroof open, speakers blaring, sunglasses on, on the way to in-n-out, and the sun isn't going down until 8 o'clock. Summer is soon approaching :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Bday Dad!

Although you weren't the perfect father figure and I didn't agree with all of your parental practices, I do believe that you were the greatest father ever, because you worked incredibly hard for yourself, Mom, Jamie and I. You even extended your reach to our uncles, aunties, grandmas, grandpas, and countless cousins in the Philippines. You encompass everything included in the American dream. I still feel the effects of things that you have taught me to this day, and those lessons are things that I will take with me forever regardless of the path God chooses for me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's What You Do To Me

Never before have I felt so empowered, that the world is actually mine for the taking. Hopefully I can do something incredible with all the resources that are now at my disposal.

Tricky Business

I can either read inbetween the lines and risk "overthinking" things, or I could choose not to read into anything at all and risk being "clueless."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hands Down

Quotes from my Creative Writing class:

"The possibility is there."

"Get up in my sympathy circle."

"I don't like myself, it's all a facade."

"I don't feel comfortable in my own body."

"There's a difference between being naked and being nude."

"I'll never be ____ enough."

"They swore that I was taking him straight to hell."

"He loves me, you just don't understand."

"If it feels dangerous, if it scares you, then it's powerful."

"It was all poetry in motion."

"I Love You is More of a Question Than a Statement."

I am extremely happy.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

We're Just Having One of Those Conversations About Next Year

My Mom and I consistently have great conversations. The topic of interest changes a lot. We've previously discussed what it takes to be a great friend, parent, son, daughter, Catholic, student, teacher, employee, and employer. We've also discussed some pretty deep topics like how life is so fragile that I need to take steps to make sure that I spend each day well, so that it was worth living.

Lately, the topic of interest has been money. She's been giving me little bits of advice(although it's sometimes sprinkled with scorn and disdain about my lack of frugality lol) that always seems to hit home really well. It's such great advice that even after our talks, the thoughts will resonate in my mind and hit twice as hard as when we were having the discussion. Everything solidifies for me when I reflect on these discussions.

The things we talk about don't always affect me directly. But I know that what we talk about in these discussions trickles down to decisions that I make everyday. Those decisions are consistently good decisions and I have to thank mi madre for that. Only thing is, I can't imagine any way to fully repay all that she's done for me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rosetta Stone

It's hard to find kind words that really hit. There's all kinds of do's and dont's. You have to be careful to avoid all these overused cliches. Sometimes bad grammar can kill an attempt at giving some kind words. There are a lot of things that are key for it to work. There's diction, timing, platform, and countless other things I'm sure.

But I think that the biggest thing to look at when giving someone a compliment or telling them how you feel about them is the relationship you have with that person. Figure out what feelings you have for that person, figure out why you have those feelings, and pick everything apart. What do you like about them? What do you hate about them? What do they respond well to? What don't they respond well to?

If you figure these things out, then a good compliment won't require much more thought. Anything you say after thinking these things out will probably come out nicely.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm a Pushover

I'm a big believer in free will. I want people to do things on their own free will. There are times where I'll want something, but it'll be dependent on someone else. That someone might make a decision, on their on free will, that doesn't get me what I want, and obviously I'll be disappointed because I didn't get what I wanted. But I'm always happy when that person makes the decisions because they wanted to, not just because they were feeling pressure to make a certain call.

When someone will make the decision that I want them to on their own free will, it's much more rewarding then having to be convincing or conniving or contriving

What Am I Doin?

Take the time to do it right cause you may not get the time to do it OVER.

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Listen to many, speak to only a few

I'll Probably Still Be the Man

I wish I had a younger sibling or cousin or hell, just a younger friend that I could pass down words of wisdom too. Maybe a nephew or niece that I could take out to lunch every once in a while and help provide guidance to. I realized that having a strong male role model is a huge thing in some people's lives, and I wish I could provide that for someone.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Definitely gonna embed this when it becomes available. I fuckin love this shit haha

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sometimes It Seems

A major thing I think about when reflecting on my day is deciding whether or not my behavior reflects my attitude towards something. I spend a lot of time figuring out how I feel about things, so that naturally begs the question of whether or not my actions follow those beliefs. I sometimes talk big, saying I would do something that most people wouldn't, so a big part of who I am needs me to follow up on those big words.

All I See Part Deux

Some things from a conversation with a friend about college that I'm sure someone, somewhere, sometime will find helpful:

Understand the system. How blackboard works, how office hours work, how lecture/discussions work.

Figure out how you personally learn. Is it more effective for you to spend your time reading over lecture notes or reading the textbook? Are you an auditory or visual learner?

What are you a geek for? What do you find yourself reading about online in your free time? This helps when deciding what to major in.

In each individual class you take, don't do assignments in hopes of getting a really good grade. Each decision you make should be geared towards learning from the assignments, not towards what will get you the highest grade possible. For example, be sure to learn things in hopes of being able to retain that information later, not just memorize things the night before the test, just to forget those things two weeks later. I've been on both ends of the spectrum, and not only does the first option make things easier, but it's a lot more fun as well. This leads me to my next point.

Major in something that genuinely excites you. Don't major in something because it'll guarantee you a job in the end. I know it doesn't really make sense, because I guess the goal of being in college is to get a better career after college, but I can't imagine having to suffer through four plus years of learning about something that isn't that exciting to me. Learning about stuff that I geek out over is so much easier for me. Then again, this is coming from the perspective of a second year student, so maybe my opinion is too immature to take too seriously. Maybe I have it all wrong, and I'm going to end up jobless after college. Who knows. hahaha

This applies all throughout life, not just in college, but watch who you surround yourself with. It really affects who you become and the decisions you'll make.

Enjoy it all. Everything about college is unique. You have access to a lot of things that you wouldn't have access to otherwise. You see people from all different walks of life. You can make all sorts of social commentary just by spending a day on a college campus. Sit in on a lecture or two, sit on a bench watching the world of people pass you by, eat in the commons, walk around in the library. There's millions of things happening on a college campus that can't be seen anywhere else.


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