Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Strange Arrangement

You know how playing the piano, guitar, drums, or (insert random instrument here) accesses different parts of the brain? How it's proven that kids who are taught to play the piano access those parts of their brain earlier than kids who don't learn to play? Further, kids who learn to play the piano early, a lot of them end up being artistic?

Well what would happen if every kid was taught to play piano early on? I'm sure there's something to be said about each kid and their motivation to play, but surely not every kid would end up aspiring to be in an artistic career. I guess this is where nature versus nurture comes into play.

Btw, I noticed that I have a lot of drafts saved here on my blog, things that for one reason or another, I've never published. I plan on liberating them now haha. This post, along with the next few posts, will be drafts that I never saw fit/never intended on posting/saved as a draft only as a way to keep a mental note to myself. Maybe I didn't intend on posting these things at the time, but it seems appropriate to me to release all of them, as a way to keep this blog focused on how I want it to come out.

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