Friday, September 16, 2016

Summer Friends

It's no secret that I've been having a rough time for a while now. I had a lot of good stuff that I'd write but i wouldn't post it cuz this blog would turn into the most EMO of emo blogs.

But i do regret not posting them. It'd be like when an artist drops a real dope, dark album out of no where. I missed out on a chance to chronicle how i really felt during one of the darkest times in my life.

I will say this though. One of the biggest things I've learned while gong through it is that family and friends really are the most important things in my life.

I never saw why it was dope important that you be at every hangout, every party that you're invited to. There's always next party. I'll see you motherfuckers then.

Now that I'm older and the chances to see each other are lessening, I see the value in all of us being together, reminiscing and building memories together. If you miss the birthday party, you might miss out on the one chance you get to see your old college friend. You might not be able to see them again for another couple of years.

So try not to make excuses to not see people. Shared experiences come few and far between the more we grow and tack on more responsibilities.

Be there for each other, tell your loved ones that you love them, and appreciate the times you get to spend together, no matter how often it is. God bless

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