Tuesday, March 22, 2011

If Imma Do It, I Gotta Change The World Through Her

I'm not attracted to women who are have what I call the princess complex. They feel entitled to certain things because of their gender. They expect to be protected and taken care of by their significant other. I cant stand this damsel in distress frame of mind and try to keep my friends from falling into that line of thinking. I think we should all work to be independent and not be dependent on others.

That being said, we are all dependent on others for many things. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be efficient, functional independent people.

I agree with feminists on a lot of points because in the end, i believe that we share the same goals. We both want equality. People who have this princess complex aren't working towards independence or equality. They expect to be handed things that others have to work hard for.

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