I dunno why I want to put this up here, other than my hope that it'll help you get to know me better. Some of these 25 random things are about a few of the important people in my life, and some of them are random thoughts.
1. I get a lot of thinking done at parties. All of the stuff that i have here is stuff that I thought about while at a party/kickback earlier tonight.
2. Brian Jones is that dude that I grew up with. He's seen me at my lowest and my highest. He's got to be the funniest dude that I know. The little inside jokes we have have to be the funniest things ever. He goes to college at Cal State Dominguez Hills but I'm pretty sure we'll always be close, even though we are almost polar opposites. If I get married, he would be candidate number one for my Best Man.
3. Janet Cantada knows me better than anyone. I'm trying my hardest to think of anyone that I've opened up to more, but I just can't point to any one person who knows me better. She knows my strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, views, and I can trust her with damn near everything.
4. Spencer Farmer and I used to be the closest dudes ever. We were bff status, no homo. Although things have changed, I won't ever forget how tight we were senior year and summer 08.
5. Yves Lapada is one of the realest dudes I know. I was kind of weary of rooming with him up here in Riverside; I thought he'd be coming back to the dorm drunk and high every night, being annoying as hell. I was surprised when I realized that I had him all wrong in my head, and he's
much more on a real level than I had him pegged before we roomed together.
6. Nicole Cabotaje and I were really close for a long time. She captivated me with her unique style and attitude. I'm really grateful I met her and got close to her. Btw, I owe her a bottle of some kind of alcohol. lol.
7. Travis Smith is one of the realest people I've met up here in Riverside. I really don't know him too well, but I can't help but respect the way he carries himself. His humility and sense of humor are traits that set him apart from a LOT of people. hes a really cool dude and if he does move back home after this year, i wish him the best.
8. Allana Griffin. DAMN. What can't I say about this girl? lol. Her craziness, unique personality, pretty smile, and interesting blank were enough to get me to sing Jonas Brothers songs to her in front of a bunch of people. gah. LOL. shit didn't work out the way I planned, but i really appreciate what we had, while we had it. it was one of the greatest feelings i've ever felt.
9. Nikki Estanol is someone that I secretly admire. She's got this willingness to be adventurous, this ability to loosen everyone up, and to be the life of the party; all of this I'm insanely jealous of. I don't her too well, as far as her beliefs and views and all that good stuff go, but she's a really interesting person that you probably already know. If you don't know her, chances are you know someone who knows her and you'll probably see her around sooner or later.
10. Christian Gines was one of my best high school friends. We met on the bus and we just really hit it off haha. We've spent COUNTLESS hours together, playing smash, eating, partying, having him cut my hair LOL. We've got this really cool respect for each other, and we really need
to hang out soon haha.
11. Michael Phetsanghane is one of the coolest dudes I know. He joined UC late, but we got really close, and he's seen me at a lot of my lows and highs. I really appreciate him cuz although I don't think he realizes it, he's there a lot when I need a friend. He's the guy that I always end up hanging out with when I don't really want to talk about something, and I'd rather just go on with life.
12. My sister is a big influence on my life. Not really in the sense that I try to follow her like a role model, but she affects a lot of my decisions. I'm sure she doesn't realize that she does, but she has a real profound effect on me. oh yeah, and i dunno why, but I always find myself texting her whenever I'm at a party. haha.
13. My mom and I have the REALEST parent-son relationship EVER. her and my dad had this really good balance when it came to parenting me, and since he's gone, she's done a TERRIFIC job raising me. it was rocky at first, understandably, but she gives me a lot of trust and leeway in
almost everything, and I make sure not to make decisions that betray that trust. If I ever do something great with my life, I'll owe a lot of the credit to her.
14. Although my dad passed away when I was 11, I swear that he did a really good job raising me. He punished me when I deserved it, never let me have it easy, and taught me many things. One of the biggest things that I appreciate from him is the frequent trips we took to the
Philippines. He made sure that my sister and I understood our family's humble beginnings. Those trips to the Philippines taught me a lot and I hope he knows that his effort wasn't in vain.
15. Edmond Basilan is one of the biggest reasons for who I am today. He's kept me really sane and down to earth since I met him. I actually got close to him once my dad passed away, so I owe him a lot. He's always cracking a funny joke and I won't ever forget a bunch of the
times we've shared and the inside jokes we crack.
16. Raemon Ilagan is another one of the homies from back in the day. We've gotten off on a bunch of real ass talks and he fits the description for perseverance. He gets put in a lot of weird situations, but he makes the best of them and I admire him for that.
17. I wish Lil Wayne would go back to the days that made me admire his creativity. I know he has a lot of haters, and I don't understand why. I don't like a lot of the stuff that he does now as much as the stuff he's done previously, but he's really unique in the way he goes about things.
18. A shitload of people hate on soulja boy, and i can see why. he's not what people are used to, and his lyrics aren't as thoughtful as a lot of hip hop artists. but he does make good music. he's not afraid to be different from the crowd, and that's ultimately what being an artist is about, isn't it?
19. I find it funny how a lot of people who hate on soulja boy, lil wayne, and a lot of popular hip hop music are the same people that, when confronted with hate on their favorite artists, say "why hate?" i don't like the hypocrisy here. if you're gunna ask "why hate?" when it comes to your favorites, why not ask urself the same question when you hate on another artist? in the end, art is art. it's not like math where you can quantify things and there is a set answer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are many ways to measure success in art. For example, an artist who sells a lot of albums is considered successful. However, there isn't a set way to decide what is good and what is bad when it comes to art. Learn to appreciate that different people appreciate different things. You hating on one person's preferences is equal to if they hate on your preferences, and nothing good ever happens when someone "hates." If you see something that tickles your fancy, then more fuckin power to you.
20. I didn't give up anything for lent, I didn't get an ash on Ash Wednesday, and I don't plan on fasting on fridays or any other religious days of obligation.
21. I gotta say, parties aren't really my scene. I don't like to drink or smoke, so I end up being a wallflower. Even when I do drink, I never really feel a buzz. I hate how there's a lot of peer pressure at parties. It never really has an effect on me, but it sucks for the
people who let the peer pressure get to them.
22. I want to learn to speak well, like Barack Obama. Or the The Rock, for that matter. lol. I should take an oral communications class. I also wanna learn to organize my thoughts better. I feel like I'm all over the place too often. Take these 25 random things for example. I'm
so all over the place haha
23. I'm not a big fan of holidays. Religious holidays make sense to me, but they turn into things that aren't even close to what they were intended for. and i don't feel the need to take out a day to celebrate my mother, my father, my significant other, my birthday, or anything. i should appreciate those things everyday of the year.
24. I've come to really appreciate finding a significant other. Finding someone that just clicks with you and who you really are is a BEAUTIFUL ASS THING. Finding that person that loves you for who you are and what you aren't is such a hard thing to do. There's a shit load of people
out there, but there's only a few that will really have chemistry with you. And even then, the timing has to be right for both of you. So I've come to learn that when you do find someone who does have that chemistry with you, you have to go HARD at that bitch and do whatever it takes to make shit work. real relationships dont come very often haha.
25. I've never been really big on drinking, smoking, or any of that stuff, to get my highs. I'm pretty sure a high off smoking weed is different from the high I get from a good conversation. They both have their pluses and minuses. I know it's easier to take a puff from a cigarette, to drink alcohol, to smoke weed, then it is to wait for a more natural high, but I love that pursuit of a natural high. The time between my highs make me miserable sometime, but that time makes the high all that much more enjoyable. Besides, where do you draw the line when it comes to getting high by drinking, smoking, or anything like that? If I told you that sucking a giant dragon's dick would make you higher than you could possibly imagine, would you do it? A lot of the argument for smoking and drinking and whatnot depends on where you draw the line for what you'll do to get your highs.
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