Thursday, October 15, 2015

Only wanna provide whatever makes you smile

     I'm thinking about the different kinds of girls I would and wouldn't date. I definitely don't like dealing with girls who haven't had to deal with struggle. I think everyone's dealt with struggle, but some people moreso than most. I don't like girls who are spoiled and entitled.

     I can go on and on about the list of things I'm looking for and not looking for in a girl, but that's not that interesting. But this got me thinking about another topic: how I'm going to raise my kid.
     I've heard plenty of people say that they spoil their kid rotten. They do it because they want to give their kids everything that they didn't have growing up. And it sounds so good on paper, but your kid is going to end up with that as part of their personality all throughout life. They're going to be spoiled all their life, including when they start dating. They're going to end up dating a guy who eventualy figures out that she's entitled and spoiled, and that dude is gonna be mad at me for raising her to be who she is!

     I want to raise my child(ren) to be well-adjusted, reasonable people.

     Feel free to show this to me in 20 years when it turns out that my son is a womanizing asshole and my daughter is a disrespectful bitch, lol.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Don't Pay It No Mind

     It's important to express yourself when you're in different places in your life. You only go through some emotions so many times in your life, and it's important to document how you felt and what made you feel that way.
     That being said, I'm over talking about breakup and heartache and all that cheesy stuff. I had a good conversation with a friend about how i felt about breakup and heartache, and she recommended this podcast episode. The episode was about breakups and described how people felt about dealt with breakups. The episode is super on point with how the breakup experience is. I love it, but it makes me cringe so much how pouty and woe-is-me all of this sounds.
     So I'm over talking about breakups, heartache, love, and all that corny shit. I didn't write as much as I had wished while I was going through it, but fuck it. It's on to talking about how we gon' get these BITCHESSSSSSS!

Saturday, October 3, 2015


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