Sunday, December 6, 2015


Listen to Too Deep by dvsn #np on #SoundCloud

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Only wanna provide whatever makes you smile

     I'm thinking about the different kinds of girls I would and wouldn't date. I definitely don't like dealing with girls who haven't had to deal with struggle. I think everyone's dealt with struggle, but some people moreso than most. I don't like girls who are spoiled and entitled.

     I can go on and on about the list of things I'm looking for and not looking for in a girl, but that's not that interesting. But this got me thinking about another topic: how I'm going to raise my kid.
     I've heard plenty of people say that they spoil their kid rotten. They do it because they want to give their kids everything that they didn't have growing up. And it sounds so good on paper, but your kid is going to end up with that as part of their personality all throughout life. They're going to be spoiled all their life, including when they start dating. They're going to end up dating a guy who eventualy figures out that she's entitled and spoiled, and that dude is gonna be mad at me for raising her to be who she is!

     I want to raise my child(ren) to be well-adjusted, reasonable people.

     Feel free to show this to me in 20 years when it turns out that my son is a womanizing asshole and my daughter is a disrespectful bitch, lol.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Don't Pay It No Mind

     It's important to express yourself when you're in different places in your life. You only go through some emotions so many times in your life, and it's important to document how you felt and what made you feel that way.
     That being said, I'm over talking about breakup and heartache and all that cheesy stuff. I had a good conversation with a friend about how i felt about breakup and heartache, and she recommended this podcast episode. The episode was about breakups and described how people felt about dealt with breakups. The episode is super on point with how the breakup experience is. I love it, but it makes me cringe so much how pouty and woe-is-me all of this sounds.
     So I'm over talking about breakups, heartache, love, and all that corny shit. I didn't write as much as I had wished while I was going through it, but fuck it. It's on to talking about how we gon' get these BITCHESSSSSSS!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015


It's crazy because I asked for this. I told multiple friends that I couldn't wait until I had a girlfriend, not so much for the good times, but for the bad times, the hard times. "I've never cried over a girl before! I've never yelled at a girl before! I've never felt so emotionally invested in a relationship that could even possibly elicit those emotions and responses from me!"

Now that I've felt these emotions, I can absolutely say that it was all worth it. The headaches, the struggles, the fights, they were all worth it in the end. I came out with a better understanding of what love is. Now I understand what love can do for and do to you.

I've seen people say that they're too hurt to love again, and they're scared to put themselves back in a situation to love again. That mentality confuses me because the way I see it, if you've gone and experienced true love, you know that it's completely worth it in the end. I'll willingly put myself through pain and agony if it means there's light at the end of the tunnel. If I have to go through a couple dates and get burned by some girls, that'll be fine by me if it means that it brings me closer to finding the woman who I'm going to start a family with, raise my children with.

I promise I won't turn this blog into me being sadboy about relationships and whatnot, lollll. I just know that I want to write down and express how I feel about this shit, because its the first time I've ever felt it. And I want my next girl to be my last girl, so if all goes right, I won't ever feel this again :) so expect some more corny relationship posts, but know that's not all that this blog is gonna be about.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Poker in the sky

One day I'm gonna write some poetry about how i feel. I don't wanna die without trying to describe how i feel through poetry.

I could even justify it by saying I'm making a rap, lolllll

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hotline Blang!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Staring At The Beast With Teeth Blood Red

I'm in a really interesting spot in my life. I'm just gonna freeball this shit and we'll see how this goes, lol.

I both love and hate the fact that I'm single. On one hand, I love the freedom and independence that comes with being single. I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't have to take anyone else's feelings into consideration when I make decisions. I can do pretty much anything I want. I can flirt with whoever I want, say whatever I want to say, do whatever I want to do. Accidentally flirt with that new girl you just met? You ain't gotta worry dawg, you ain't gotta feel regretful. There's no one you have to answer to, no relationship you have to protect.

On the other hand, I know for a fact that I was happier back when I was in a relationship. My ex was amazing to me. She wasn't perfect and neither was I, but we were a force to reckoned with. We approached every obstacle we encountered together and no matter how hard it was, we figured out something that worked for us. She was so sweet, caring, thoughtful, and was so good at doing the little things. There are countless little things she did that made me appreciate the hell out of her.

Breaking up with her was absolutely one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make. We were so incredibly happy together. I knew going into the breakup that I was going transition from a position where I was incredibly happy with her, into a position where I would be single and not nearly as happy as I was with her. I knew this going into it and that made it that much harder to break up.

Why would I willingly go from a position where I was happy, into a position where we separated and I wasn't nearly as happy? No bullshit, I did it because I love her and always will. When you truly love someone, you want the best for them always, even if that means not being together anymore. I knew that we wouldn't be together happily ever after. So instead of letting our relationship slowly deteriorate, I opted to end things between us. If you truly love someone, you want to see them happy and winning. The reasons we broke up are important but I won't go into detail about them here. I knew that she would find a better man for her and I hoped that I would find the right woman for me. I haven't gotten to talk to her much about her new man but I hope that he's treating her as well as she deserves to be treated.

I do know that I'm still not really ready for another relationship. I'm too selfish. I'm not too welcoming to the idea of having to take another person's interests into consideration. I don't think I'm too willing to compromise and make sacrifices, as is absolutely crucial and necessary in relationships.

I do hope that I turn that corner soon. Cuffing season is right around the corner, lol! Just kidding. But I'm 24 years old, turning 25 in November. If I put things in perspective, I'm still really young. If I look at the big picture, I have plenty of time to do what I want. One thing is I've always planned on is getting married at 28 or 29. That'd give my wife and I a couple of years to fuck around, travel, do all the things we want to do before we're tied down by family life(I'm thinking kids by 32 or 33). This isn't a drop dead deadline, more so a general timeframe of how I'd like my life to go. Gauging from my prior relationships, i think it'd take a minimum of 3 years in a relationship before I decide whether or not I want to marry someone. That means that if I want to adhere to this loose timeframe of mine, I should find a girl over the next year or two and hope it works out.

The funny thing is, I can't even begin to imagine myself dating right now! For some odd reason, I don't even enjoy talking to girls right now. I've always enjoyed talking to girls more than guys, but ever since the breakup, I now dread the thought and actively avoid extended conversations with women! It's no fault of theirs; I'm just a weirdo right now and prefer the direct and predictable conversations I have with guys. There's something to be said about the predictability and rules of guy convos. I just know that some poor girls have actively tried to engage me in conversation (both flirty and non-flirty), and I actively avoid and try to end those conversations as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, I think I'm slowly breaking out of my post-breakup shell. I'm hanging out with my best female friend more and more, and its helping me ease back into being able to conversations with girls(its not that bad Ryan, I promise! Lol). It's showing me that I'm capable of hanging out with a girl and not being too weird or quiet. Hanging out with her is giving me hope that the Single Ryan of yesteryear can finally make his way back out into society! Single Ryan was charming, charismatic, funny, and generally a fun guy to be around. I feel like I've toned down all of those aspects of my character, but here's to hoping that I break out of this post-breakup slump. Here's to hoping that Single Ryan makes his way back into society and post-breakup Ryan can stop being such a weirdo!

Been a good day to run away bro, what I would give to have the Majid Jordan only version of this song.


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