Saturday, September 7, 2013

We Keep These Promises, These Promises

A good album will have you sitting there, pondering all kinds of shit. Thinking about choices you've made in your life, both recent and in the far past. It'll have you thinking about where you wanna go, what you wanna do in the future. Got you asking yourself, "Will I be happy? Damn, am I even happy right now? Maybe not, I guess I gotta fix things."

Sometimes I'll listen to a favorite album of mine and just zone the fuck out, thinking and feeling all kinds of different shit. I can physically feel my brain working and being stimulated. I think it's more or less the same feeling I would get when I used to try and meditate.

Looking at it this way, I think you could say that a good album really is like a drug. It alters your thought process and has you thinking and processing things in a way that's different from when you're sober.

I wish I could watch video tape footage of me when I get into this zone. Do I look like I'm high? Do I look like I'm tripping off acid? Or better yet, do I look normal as hell? That'd be awesome because that'd mean that you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at me that my mind is going 100mph in every direction.

I dunno. All I know is that I feel so alive when I get into this zone

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Eyes On You

I forgot the password to my college email. That's crazy. It's been that long, eh?

I was gonna email a soc professor I had, telling him that I'm working as a welfare worker in Lemon Grove, California. It's the same area that was featured in "The Lemon Grove Incident", a movie/documentary he had shown us in class about one of the earliest court cases in America regarding school segregation. He had shown us a film about racism right in my backyard. It gave me chills back then to learn about the history behind an area literally a handful of miles away from my home; now I wanted to get back to that professor to let him know that I'm working IN that area, helping people in need.

But alas, looks like I'll never get that satisfaction. Me forgetting my email login credentials is gonna prevent me from telling that professor what I'm up to nowadays. Come to think of it, I don't even remember the professor's name. And I wouldn't even want to go through the trouble of looking him up, though I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard of a search. Yeah, I think I'm good off all that haha


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