When medical examiners do autopsies, they often see scar tissue on the corpses they're working on. The scar tissue is often from years, even decades ago. So they probably see scars, marks, bruising, stuff like that, from all throughout the person's life, right?
Keep in mind, I'm remembering this from something I read some time ago. It might not be true that this is a thing. But if it is, that's really kinda poetic, isn't it? Even though the body is dead, it still tells SO many stories. I've always thought that it'd be kind of interesting to know, postmortem, stats from my life: random things like how many people I consider strangers that I've actually seen multiple times before, how many times I farted throughout my life, things like that. But I guess there sort of is something like that, and it lies within my body.
Trippy shit, man!