Saturday, June 30, 2012

Go Left, Go Left, Go Left Right Left

I wholeheartedly believe that music(and other forms of art, but especially music), at its best, is meant to make one feel one way or another. The stronger the emotion, the better.

One of the implications of this belief is that even the songs and movies that make you so sad, angry, or scared that you can't stand to watch them are technically still greatttttt forms of art. Even if you never want to see/hear it again, that doesn't detract from the fact that the artist was successful in conveying a certain feeling/emotion.

Funny how that works. You would think that to be successful, art should make you want to keep coming back for more

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bring The Cups Baby I Can Bring The Drink

Scootin fruity. Scootin fruity.

The Waves Crashing

It's crazy how a well written post on a sports blog
or a well performed spoken word piece
or an actor giving an oscar-worthy performance
or a veteran quarterback running a 2 minute drill
or any piece of art, for that matter
can make you feel so comfortable and taken care of

but you dont eem' know what i'm talkin about, do you!

I'm Dreaming I Can Still Believe In You

It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.

This block of text is probably the scariest thing I've ever read, lol

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome To The Otherside

It's crazy how because my generation grew up with computers and all the technology associated with computers, we can easily learn how to use all this new technology; meanwhile, it's been a lot tougher on the older generation.

I've seen some of my elders use their ability to utilize technology as a bragging point. Like they'll show off their use of an ipad or show off what they're doing on a given website, using that as a sign that they're hip and with the times. These things are trivial to someone young and adapted to technology, but to them it's a huge talking point.

Shit is crazy, bruh

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mental Prison Break

In case you were wondering what Steve from Blue's Clues was up to nowadays.

There's something universal about how it's always entertaining, hearing how someone's date went

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Chance Like This You May Never Get To Show Off

The dopest thing is when a girl can teach you something you don't know. With no background knowledge on what she's talking about, I have no choice but to sit back and listen.

It's cool when we can both learn from each other

I just wanna drive up and down the Pacific Coast Highway and listen to our summer playlists, baybeeghorl!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Happened To You

I love how Ms. Hill gives the same warning to both sexes. "Girls, you know you better watch out, them guys, them guys are only about, one thing; that thing, that thing, that thiiiiiiiing." And then she proceeds to switch it up and give the same warning to guys.

Guys and girls are both equals. Both sides do faulty things to the other. It's dope that (at least in this song, lol) Lauryn Hill acknowledges this and sings about the dangers of faulty people of the opposite sex without singling out either one of the sexes.

On that note, I don't respect anyone solely because they're a guy/girl. I see this more in the case of women; I've seen people make the claim that we should respect women solely for the fact that they're women. I think this is ignorant and we need to respect women and men for the fact that they're human beings, moreso than the fact that they're either male or female. We're all human beings who have emotions, goals, and dreams; and if you can't respect others out of the feeling of camaraderie in that, then you need to check your values

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Let You Hit It Raw

I love Def Poetry Jam. One thing I wish I was better at is being eloquent and able to describe exactly what I'm thinking. These guys have that skill down and I'm soooo jealous/envious.

The only criticism I have is that watching too many of these videos where artists are critical of society today is that it can leave you feeling all kinds of cynical

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's Like A Machine Gun With The Mellowest Bullets

This song is fucking RELENTLESS. The beginning of each verse just sucks me RIGHT the fuck in. Got me hyped as fuck, singing along with every word.

But it's not hype in the typical sense of the word; the song is much too calm and slow for that. The hype is more of an excitement, like the excitement you get when you're on a roller coaster and you're slowly riding up the tracks, about to hit the first drop. You might not be moving fast, but you're excited nonetheless because you can feel what's about to come. Your mind is flooded with emotions and you end up overwhelmed with emotion.

This song gets me on high alert for four minutes and twenty seconds (I wonder if that's merely a coincidence, lol). Four minutes and twenty seconds of pure adrenaline, unsure of what to do with myself. And right on cue (and without missing a beat, might i add), the outro is there to ease me back down to reality. Shit just makes me feel like I'm riding a fuckin ocean wave or something, lol

Say That You'll Stay

If you're not excited for this, then fuck you

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not Just In It For The Ride

It's crazy when parents take the attitude that "while you live under my roof, you WILL ______." I think that the strength of this attitude is that the parent realizes that they can only influence and guide their children so much. The parents think that their children should be obedient and "good little kids" for as long as they live with their parents.

My criticism of this approach is that it gives the impression that once your children move out and are no longer living under your roof, they have free reign to forget everything you ever taught them. It makes it seem like you as parents don't give a damn what they do, now that they're off and living in the world.

Instead of giving the impression that you'll stop caring once they move out, you need to make it clear that you'll always love them(hopefully this is the case, lol), regardless of whether or not they live with you. They need to know that you care whether or not they are good people, regardless of their circumstances

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

They'll Be As In Love With You As I Am

On one hand, I'm so proud of myself. I'm the dopest person alive.
On the other hand, I'm eating humble pie and realize that I'm no where near as cool as I think I am.
This internal conflict has had a huge impact on who I am today

Imagine I'm a successful rapper

You liked me when I was broke because you say I was "hungrier," that I wanted better for myself and it was evident. Now that I'm rich and well off, you wish I was still the way I was when I was broke. Well fuck you for wishing that I was still broke, lol


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