Monday, November 28, 2011

With the Birds I Share This Lonely View

Some people, maybe even most people, have the viewpoint that every one out there is out to exploit you. I feel like people who have this viewpoint must carry SUCH a burden. Not being able to trust people (and thus society as a whole) must lead to some scary personality traits.

Everybody Knows But Nobody Really Knows

It isnt a scientist's job to win wars or win arguments; a scientist's job is to develop knowledge and to get us closer to the truth.

A scientist will gladly admit when she's wrong. A politician, however, is hellbent on public image and winning battles and wars.

I look for my friends to be more like scientists and less like politicians

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Skeet Skeet Skeet

Damn I wanna try this one day hahahaha

Friday, November 25, 2011

Youngest Fire

Girls who need to be treated like princesses don't end up as functionally healthy members of society. They can't handle not getting what they want and that doesn't translate well into being a responsible, socially capable member of society.

Getting used to being treated like a princess leads one to expect a lot of things out of others that they simply don't deserve. I can't deal with women (and men, for that matter) who expect to be treated a certain way because they're self-centered, spoiled brats

What the Fuck It Take So Long For

The dopest shit is when someone says that they hope the rest of your day is nice. Or when they ask you how your day was, and they completely mean it. Having someone important to me genuinely want to know how my day was gives me this incredible feeling that I can't even describe

Everyday is a Battle I Face

One of the biggest things that gets to me is when I feel that I haven't been a good friend. I know without a shadow of a doubt that overall, I am a great friend. However, there are times, especially lately, that I feel that I've failed my friends. Whether it be not hanging out enough, not being there when I said I'd be, or just not being energetic, I know that I definitely haven't been entirely there for my friends.

Think Less But See It Grow

I have no need to defend my taste in music (nor my taste in any kind of art) to anyone. Following the same logic, no one else needs to defend their taste in music. I like the music I like because I like the way it makes me feel (or for whatever arbitrary reason I like it) and that's the only thing that matters. Fuck you if you don't approve of my musical taste.

It's like all the music I listen to are guilty pleasures. I really don't care one way or another if you approve, I enjoy it so suck my cack and call me Sally.

For Gentlemen Only

I think it's a mark of maturity to be able to accept that you live in a world where Justin Bieber, Soulja boy, or (insert artist whose music you dont like) exists.

Some people would have you believe that the world is going to end because people like Lil Wayne exist. They say how terrible things are and "wish things were how they were back then."

I don't understand the logic behind this because there's always been art that has been considered wack. It's existed back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and it still exists now. That's just a function of art. Not everyone is going to like every piece of art. Everyone has different tastes in art because it's all subjective.

So to complain about how bad things are and wish bad on people simply because they listen to or make art that you don't enjoy is very immature. We should be able to take a deep breath, realize that not everyone has the same taste in art, and keep it pushing.

Also, note that if this applies to the Soulja Boy and Lil Waynes of the world, it still has to apply to less controversial artists like Adele, Little Brother and A Tribe Called Quest.

Where Would You Go With a Lasso

Circlejerking all over my music

Monday, November 21, 2011

So Sweetened, You're Doomed For A Well Garnished Life

I used to look for girls who shared the same interests as me. I wanted a girl who likes the Lakers, Drake and first person shooters. That way, we could talk about the same things, compare our views on those things and all that cool stuff.

Lately, however, I've figured that it really isn't all that important to me that me and a girl have exactly the same interests. It's okay if she doesn't share the same love for AC Milan. She could have never watched a game of soccer for all I care.

I care more that she is willing to learn, that she wants me to tell her and teach her about everything I'm passionate about. She doesn't listen to Childish Gambino? That's fine, we can listen to his music together and hopefully she'll learn to love it. And even if she doesn't end up loving it, it doesn't have any bearing on whether or not she's a great girlfriend. Only thing that's different is now I know that I might have to skip his songs when we're playing my ipod in the car.

I think it'd be really cute, trying to get my girl into the same things that I'm interested in (and vice versa). It'd be really cool, teaching her all I know about the strong side zone defense. It'd be sooo cool, telling her what I think the Weeknd could be talking about in a particular song and what that song means to me.

I think it'd be even cooler for me to learn about what my girl is into. Seeing her talk so passionately about things she's interested in is always a HUGE turn on for me. I love to ask questions and get her thinking about things that she might have never thought about before. Taking the role of an ignorant student is something I love doing when I'm getting to know someone.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

When Will it End, the Ride

Too many women hide behind the idea that they are supposed to be emotional creatures. They ignore logic and reason and look at emotion as the only thing they should focus on.

On the other side of the coin, too many men don't put enough focus on their emotions, or look at their emotions in too much of a masculine sense.

We've got to get past these social constructions that tell us how to be manly or lady-like

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Don't Wanna Do It Right

music is a collection of sounds that makes us feel one way or another.

whether or not an artist is a good live performer has no bearing on how much i enjoy listening to the studio version of their music

I'm the Same Dude

"Be Ashamed to Die, Until You Have Scored Some Victory for Humanity." -Horace Mann

"I remain unconvinced that anything other than rapid decomposition is the fate of my body and mind after death." -Neil deGrasse Tyson

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Need Someone To Put This Weight On

I see people who worry too much about being someone who gives good advice. This leads them to interrupt conversations with a need to interject every little tidbit of advice they have.

Instead, I think it's better to listen without interrupting. Have someone tell you a story and then lead the discussion in a way so that the other person figures out the best solution by themselves. Your job as a good listener is to guide their thought process so that they think in a way that leaves them in a healthy position. If they stray and start taking an unhealthy position, that's where you interject and point out why that might not be the best course of action. Other than that, you should encourage the other person to keep talking and to understand for themselves why or why not what they are doing is good.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Calm Down, You Found Me

Long road trips by myself are the biggest high for me. Driving with my windows down, music blasting, mindlessly navigating my way through traffic gives me SUCH an escape from the stresses in my life.
In my car, music blasting, I can be frank ocean. I can be 2pac. I can be aristotle. I can be 5 year old me. I can be extremely proud of myself, and 10 minutes later be absolutely disappointed in myself. I can reminisce about the troubles I've had with girls. I can scheme out the ways I plan on getting at these future girls. I can yell til my lungs get sore.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I ain't shit

She got me looking like a fucking gump. Got me checking my fucking NEWS FEED, refreshing every few minutes, hoping and praying she replied to my post. You're fucking pathetic ryan, you're pathetic

There's a Place We Can Visit If We Go Outside

I remember back in the day, when I was maybe 6 or 7, when my dad would ask me “if bad guys came in and tried to kill us, what would you do?” I would respond by air-fighting, showing off the kung-fu and karate skills I picked up from watching Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That must’ve been the cutest sight ever.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fuck These Backpackers

One of the biggest reasons why I can't wait to get into another relationship is that whenever I get into one, I inevitably learn SO much about myself. They sort of act as a gauge of where I'm at in my life. I learn a lot about how I feel about different things. I can then turn around and look at how I felt about those same exact things years ago and look at my growth

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Make Sure It Aint Wack

I remember thinking "I miss the feeling of having a girl make me nervous." Now that it's happened, I really wish it never happened lol


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